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إبنى يدرس بالجامعة الامريكية تحت بند المنحة الكاملة نظرا لتفوقه .
و هو كان عنده امتحانات و بعد منصف الليل و هو يذاكر بسكن الجامعة بالزمالك اتصل به صديقه الدارس بنفس الجامعة و قال له الحقنا البلطجية يكسرون الباب علينا و هو يذاكر فى شقة بالفلكى جوار التحرير و ذهب لانقاذه و ضحى بنفسه و وصل الشقة و قفلوا الباب خائفين و وجد مصطفى يذاكر مع طالبين امريكيين من زملاء الدراسة فى نفس الجامعة و احدهما اقامة دائمة لان ابوه دكتور بالجامعة الامريكية
و تم كسر الباب و هم يصرخون ليفاجئوا ان البلطجية هم شرطة عسكرية واخذوهم لوزارة الداخلية و رغم ابراز البطاقات و الكارنيهات الا ان الشرطة العسكرية نقلتهم الى مكان مغمضى العينين و تم ارهابهم بعدم النوم و لا الجلوس مرتاحين و اغماض اعينهم و تفريقهم و تجميعهم مغمضى العين حينا و اخرى غير معصوبى العيون
و وجهت لهم كل التهم من تصنيع مولوتوف و حتى حيازة مخدرات و اخيرا بعد 18 ساعة تبين لهم انهم طلبة يذاكرون و افرجوا اولا عن الاثنين الامريكيين و الذين طالبوا بالافراج عن ابنى و زميله الا ان ابنى و زميله خرجوا بعد الامريكيين بساعات
و ظللت انا و زوجتى و انا كبير على المعاش نبحث طوال اليوم فى اقسام الشرطة و النيابات دون جدوى
و اخيرا افرجوا عن ابنى و زميله فى منتصف الليل ليعرف انه كان مقبوض عليه فى المخابرات الحربية المصرية لا الاسرائيلية ، و تم عمل محضر اختفاء بواسطة محامية من مركز النديم بنيابة السيدة زينب
و ابنى تصرف عليه الهيئة المسماة ب :
بالجامعة الامريكيةLEAD
ما تم بعد ذلك قامت هذه الهيئة بشطب ابنى من القائمة و قالوا اصرف على نفسك ، و بالطبع المنح للفقراء و لا نستطيع توفيرها اصلا و تكلفة باقى المدة سنة و نصف مسئول عنها قانونا و من الناحية الأدبية السيد / المشير بسبب تصرف رجاله على هذا النحو غير القانونى من رجال لا يحسنوا التصرف و ظلموا الايرياء و معى اسم و تليفون ضابط المخابرات و كسر الباب و الترهيب و اضاعة مستقبل اولادنا بيدهم مع ان من مد يد العون له بالمنحة هى امريكا و التى لا اعفى سفارتها من عدم تحمل مسئوليتها ، التى ان لم تكن رسمية فهى ادبية و انسانية ؛ لان ابنى كان يضحى بحياته لانقاذ زملائه و منهم اثنان امريكيين و كذا عدم تعويض ابنى و دفع مصاريف باقى المدة لتجنب ضياع مستقبله الدراسى .
انتظر ردا من المسئولين ذوى الضمائر الحية لإنقاذ مستقبل أسرتنا
والد الطالب اسلام صلاح محمد كامل
صلاح محمد كامل السيد
مدير عام بالمعاش


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To the Field Marshal, very urgent

My son is studying at the American University under the full grant (scholarship) for his excellence.
And he had exams, and after midnight and while he was studying at the dorm, his friend, who was a student in the same University, contacted him, and he told him that thugs tried to break the door on them and he was studying in an apartment at al Falaky area, a vicinity of Liberation Square , and my son went to rescue him and sacrificing himself and reached the apartment and have gone there scared and found Mustafa with two other American classmates at the same University and one of them got permanent residency because his father taught at the American University.
There, some people were trying to break down the door and they were screaming, and for surprise they discovered that the thugs, who broke the door this time are the military police who took them to the Ministry of the Interior and, despite highlighting their ID cards ,the military police took them to a place with the eyes covered and they were terrified and did not sleep and did not sit comfortably and blind folded their eyes and dispersed them and then group them with unfolded eyes sometimes .
And they accused them with all the charges from manufacturing Molotov cocktails and even possession of drugs and finally after 18 hours ,they have suddenly realized they are students and first they released the two Americans ,who demanded the release of my son and his colleague, but my son and his Egyptian fellow came out after hours
I , an old retired man and my wife looked for them all the day in police stations and prosecutors , in vain .And finally they released my son and his colleague in the middle of the night to know that he was under arrest in the Egyptian military intelligence , not by Israeli Musad, and a record was done for his disappearance by a lawyer we do not know , he said he is a lawyer from El Nadim Center at Procuratorate of Sayyeda Zainab.
My son was studying on a grant ( full scholarship ) from LEAD , at the AUC ( American University in Cairo )
And then that body dismissed my son from the list and said Spend on yourself, and of course grants are not for the rich, who can afford to pay for the fees of the rest period that is 2 and a half years , the Field Marshal is responsible by law and morally for that, because of the behavior of his men as for such illegal deeds they committed and I got with me the name and phone of the intelligence officer, who broke the door and intimidated and wasted our children’s future , while American societies aid them, though American University and embassy are morally, if not legally,responsible, the embassy does not bear its responsibility because my son had sacrificed his life to save his fellow and two of them were Americans and my son has not got compensation and pay for the rest of the period to avoid the destruction of his school future.
We wait for a response from the officials, the people with conscience, to save the future of our family

Islam and the student’s father,
Mr. Salah Mohamed Kamel
Director General ,retired
Tel. / 33852336
Facebook address:

By: صلاح محمد كامل السيد


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